Advent is a season that helps us wait for Christ's second coming while we wonder at His first coming. But for some, this is not the most wonderful time of the year. In Psalm 80, the people of Israel are crying out for God to restore them. This He would do by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to save His people from their sins. We all experience the brokenness of living in a fallen world, but the hope is that God will one day awaken His might and come to save us - fully, finally, and forever - when He comes again in the Person of Jesus Christ.
In this passage, the psalmist introduces us to the Messiah King - the Son of David and Son of God - who will rule to the ends of the earth. We may become discouraged and disheartened by persecution and suffering at the hands of the evil powers in this world, but Jesus Christ has gained worldwide victory, and in Him we can take refuge.
In this passage, the psalmist presents us with two ways in life - the way of the righteous that leads to everlasting life and blessedness, and the way of the wicked that leads to death and everlasting contempt. Which way will we choose? Will we walk with the wicked, or will we stand with those who are right with God?
As today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, we are reminded in Scripture that we can find hope in a secular culture that is antagonistic towards Christianity and followers of Jesus because God is our refuge, because God is present with us, and because God will one day establish peace on earth.


December 9, 2018
The hope of salvation leads to the joy of the resurrection on the second Sunday of Advent.


December 2, 2018
On the first Sunday of Advent, we find a hope that is greater than our circumstances.