"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." These words are more than an introduction to the first book of the Bible. These words are absolutely essential to understanding what the world is, who we are in the world, and who God is in relationship to us and His creation.
As we hear of wars and rumours of wars, and as we look around and see famines and earthquakes and pandemics, and as we suffer persecution for the sake of Christ, many wonder what’s going to happen next. In this passage, we take a look at the sure and certain hope for every follower of Jesus: The return of Jesus Christ for His people.
After Jesus’ death, the disciples secluded themselves in fear. A few weeks later, they were proclaiming that Jesus had risen from the dead. What brought about this change? The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The historical facts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ confront our doubts and bring us face to face with life’s most important question: What will I do with the risen Christ.
With Jesus before him, Pilate faced a terrible dilemma. He found no guilt in Jesus, but the Jews wanted Jesus crucified. As we see in this passage, Pilate lacked the courage to stand up to the crowd, choosing instead to crucify the innocent Son of God. What will we do with the innocent Christ?
During His interrogation, it appeared that Jesus’ fate was in the hands of men like Pilate. But in reality, Jesus was in control. In this message, we look at how man’s attempt to crucify Jesus fulfilled God’s plan. We might think that we are not as bad as some of the characters in this story, but we need Jesus more than we realize.
To the unbelieving eye, Jesus' last days on earth seem as though Jesus is a tragic victim. However, the Gospel of John paints a picture of Jesus in total control over the terrible events surrounding His death, and how this is an encouragement to us that Jesus is control over our terrible events.
We conclude our study on the book of Acts by looking at the upward theme of worship, the inward theme of caring for one another in the church, and the outward theme of taking the message of Christ to the world. In this sermon, we see that the church is not stagnant but that the church is on mission.
Luke concludes the book of Acts with Paul as a prisoner in Rome, yet still "proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance." In this sermon, we look at how the words of Jesus - that the gospel will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth - were initially fulfilled in the book of Acts, and that we have a part to play in its ultimate fulfillment.
In this exciting passage, we read about a shipwreck and a snakebite. But, more importantly, we read about a great Saviour who has overcome the world, who is our only hope in life and death, and who is bringing us safely to God. We can trust God to do what He has said, because He is always faithful.
In Acts 25-26, Paul makes his final defense for the gospel of Jesus Christ before being sent to Rome. We see that the resurrection of Jesus demands a response from the world, and that those who trust in the risen Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins have hope that Jesus is currently reigning and that He will come again to right every wrong.