In the book of Acts, we are introduced to a procrastinator by the name of Felix who is confronted with his need for a Saviour but who does not fully grasp the scary consequence that awaits him. In this passage, we see Paul's example of how to share the Word, and we see Felix's example of how not to receive the Word.
This passage in the book of Acts reminds us that, for those like Paul who find themselves in the dark night of the soul, we have the assurance that God is with us, that God is for us, and that God is working all things together for a good that we may not yet see.
In this passage, the apostle Paul is beaten and arrested for crimes he didn’t commit. But even in this, we see the providence of God, as Paul is given the opportunity to make his defense for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul used to think that he was good with God, until he met Jesus and his life was transformed. We won't ever know what it’s truly like to live, until we give our lives to following Jesus.
When Paul finally gets to Jerusalem, he tells them all about what the risen Lord Jesus has done. But in the jubilation, Paul discovers that he has been misunderstood. In this text, we see that a life that is devoted to following Jesus will mean being misunderstood. But we also see how to respond to misunderstanding with the grace and truth of the gospel.
As the apostle Paul draws closer to Jerusalem, the disciples rightly discern that there is danger awaiting him, but they wrongly conclude that he should not go to Jerusalem. In this sermon, we look at how following Jesus will sometimes mean pain and discomfort, but how it is the path that leads to life.
The church needs Christlike shepherds who will faithfully declare and live out the gospel of God’s grace. As Paul says farewell to the Ephesian elders, in Acts 20, he reminds them of his conduct and his preaching, which is going to serve as the foundation for how elders are to shepherd the church of God, and then he charges them to do three things: To guard themselves, to care for all the flock of God, and to watch out for the enemy of their souls.
The apostle Paul knew that the church would always be in danger of growing weary, so in this passage, he gives the church gospel encouragement that would help to strengthen our faith and comfort us in all our affliction, as we continue to love and serve Jesus.
As we enter a new year with new challenges, Paul's letter to the Colossians reminds us to seek the things that are above, to set our minds on those things, and to hope in Christ.
On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we see that Jesus Christ is our Shepherd-King who came to bring us peace with God and with each other. We have the promise of better days that Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace, is coming again soon to bring full and final peace to the earth.
On this third Sunday of Advent, we see that our joy isn't rooted in the inevitable disappointment of Christmas but in Jesus Christ, our Saviour and our King. We can take great joy in the God who takes joy in us.