How are Christians to engage and relate to the surrounding culture, the culture of Cain, a culture with a disposition toward leaving God out? We proclaim the good news that God sent His Son into the world, in the Person of Jesus Christ, that all who "call upon the name of the Lord" will be saved.
In the narrative of Cain and Abel, we see the battle between the offspring of the serpent and the offspring of the woman on full display. But we also see God's grace on full display. Even though we are rebels against the King of the universe like Cain, through faith in Jesus Christ, we don't get what we deserve, but rather, we get grace. And even though the battle against the serpent will be fierce and bloody, we can be assured that Christ is building His Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The judgment of God against human sin explains every problem we face in the world. But in the judgment of God against human sin, we also see the answer to all the wrong in the world. For those who put their hope in Jesus, we do not get the judgment we deserve. Instead, we get grace. But there remains judgment for those who do not put their hope in Jesus. Will we believe the good news of Jesus Christ?
In Genesis 3, we come to the saddest moment in human history. When Adam and Eve sinned, we all sinned. In this passage, we find the explanation for why the world is the way it is, but we also find hope in Jesus Christ who offers us something better than the fruit of the garden; He offers us Himself.
Though we are not all married, we see what marriage points us to. The union of husband and wife is giving way to an even greater union that depends upon faith and repentance, as the Bride of Christ, the Church, is joined to the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, and where we are His and He is ours.
In our text, we get a picture of the good life, the way things are supposed to be, and the way things will be once again. Though we all have failed to live perfectly before our Creator and King, Jesus Christ lived the perfect life and died the death we deserved to die and was raised from the dead in victory over sin and death, so that we can have eternal life through faith in Him.
After forming and filling the earth in six days, God rested on the seventh day. In this sermon, we’ll look at what God rested from, and why the seventh day is central, not only to creation, but also to the destiny of God’s people.
In Genesis 1, we see the apex of a fully formed and fully filled world. Looking at the second three days of creation, we see a remarkable correspondence to the first three days of creation, where God wondrously fills the creation He has formed, and how God can fill us with His forgiveness and righteousness.
In Genesis 1, we read the literal history of what God did when He created the heavens and the earth. Looking at the first three days of creation, we see the forming of the world that was once formless, and how God can bring form out of the chaos of our lives.