In this passage, we see the greatest Lover (God) give the greatest gift (His only Son) that leads to the greatest result (eternal life). But there is a choice before us. Which “whoever” are we – the one who believes in the only Son of God, or the one who doesn’t believe in the only Son of God? What we choose will decide whether we have come into the glorious light of Christ, or whether we are still in darkness.
In this passage, Jesus highlights the importance of being born again - that is a entirely work of God, that it is transformational, and that all that is required to be born again is to look to Christ and believe.
Jesus is often pictured as being meek and mild, gentle and lowly. But in this passage, we see what Revelation 6:16 calls "the wrath of the Lamb." Jesus' anger is directed toward those who would use religiosity as a veneer for personal gain at the expense of God and others. Will we come to the true and better Temple - Jesus Christ - for forgiveness and grace?
In the Gospel of John, we have seen how Jesus is the Word, the life, the light, the Lamb, the Christ, the King, the Son of God, the Son of Man. In this passage, we come to a familiar story - Jesus turning water into wine. But there is nothing ordinary about Jesus here. Jesus is the true and better Master of the Feast who supplies the abundant wine of the gospel, and He is the true and better Bridegroom who makes purification for His Bride - the Church - through His blood that was poured out as the sacrifice for our sins.
In this passage, we see the glory of Jesus Christ in being the goal of our witness, the initiator of our salvation, the One with absolute authority to change our identity and command our allegiance, and the One who knows all things about us yet continues to love us. Ultimately, we see the "glory as of the only Son from the Father" in Jesus Christ's death on the cross. May we come and see, and then may we go and tell of His glory.
After concluding his theologically rich prologue, the apostle John turns his attention to the witness of John the Baptist. Rather than focusing on who he is and what he has done, John the Baptist focuses on who Christ is (the Lamb of God) and what Christ came to do (take away the sin of the world). The question is whether or not we are going to listen to the message of the messenger.
In this passage, we read about one of the most important events in history - the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word became human without ceasing to be God, and we behold His glory through the eyes of faith.
In this passage, John introduces us to Christ as the Lord of Life and Light of the World. There are many who reject Christ as Life and Light. But to all who receive Him, He gives the right to become children of God.
In this passage, John is stating very carefully and very deliberately that the Word, Jesus Christ, is eternally pre-existent, that He is in eternal relationship with the Father, that He is eternally God, and that He is the eternal Creator of all things. May we marvel at the majesty and splendor and wonder of Jesus Christ.