We exist to preach Christ through worship, education, evangelism and social concern.
We worship.
Regardless of whether or not we are a follower of Christ, everything we do is an act of worship. We are always worshiping something. At the Chapel, we provide an opportunity to direct our worship to our Great God. We do this by conducting regular worship services on Sunday mornings, where our worship comes out in the form of congregational singing, prayer, giving, and hearing the Word of God preached. It is through our worship that we preach Christ.
Check out our service times!
We teach.
At the Chapel, we believe every effort must continually be made to provide an adequate knowledge of the Bible and training in Christian living for the congregation and their children. We do this through avenues, such as, preaching and teaching, Sunday school, and through various other activities sponsored by the Chapel. It is through our education that we preach Christ.
Check out our sermons!
We evangelize.
At the Chapel, we seek to be engaged in an active evangelistic endeavor to the non-Christian, both to those who attend the church and those within the secular community. It is through our evangelism that we preach Christ.
Check out our events!
We serve.
It is our hope, at the Chapel, that we seek to have a vital concern in the affairs of the community, encouraging each other to initiate and to support Christian and worthy endeavors. We are a part of something bigger than ourselves. Having a concern for social issues gets us to reach outside of ourselves to those around us. It is through our social concern that we preach Christ.
Check out our ministries!