In John 13:1-20, we see that Jesus loved his own to the very end by humbling himself to the point of death on the cross. We are called to follow his example by joyfully serving others in humility and love, pointing them to him.
On this Baptism of the Lord Sunday, we are reminded that the voice of the Lord is powerful. But the same powerful voice that makes the earth shake is the same powerful voice that comforts the people of God. As Psalm 95:7-8 implores us, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”
On this Epiphany Sunday, we are reminded that Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Do our words, our actions, our thoughts, our lives, our giving, our prayers reflect this reality?
This is a stand-alone sermon by Ellwood Splane on the signs of the end.
In this passage, we see that the greatest act of love this world has ever seen is the gift of Jesus Christ - our Saviour, our Shepherd, our King.
In this passage, we see that true and lasting joy is found in the Person of Jesus Christ who came into the world to remove our punishment, to defeat our enemies, and to dwell with his people.
In this passage, we see that Jesus is the Prince of Peace who reigns with righteousness and justice, bringing true shalom to all who trust in him.
In this passage, we see that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world who shines into the darkness of our lives, bringing hope and light to all who believe.
In this passage, we see several reasons why people do not believe in Jesus Christ. But Jesus is calling us to come out of the darkness of unbelief and walk in his light. Will we choose light and life, or will we choose darkness and death?
In this passage, the hour of Jesus' sacrificial death has come. Jesus would soon give his life so that others can live through faith in him. Will we look like to Christ and live?