In this passage, we note "the kindness and the severity of God" (Romans 11:22). Severity because a holy God must punish sin, and kindness because God has shown us where certain behaviours lead. Before we come down too hard on the wickedness of Sodom, we need to look into the mirror of God's Word and examine our hearts and see if there is any wicked way in us.
In this passage, we see that the God of the Bible is good, that He is the Judge of all the earth, and that He will do what is just.
In this passage, we see that the God of the Bible is great, that there is nothing too hard for the Lord, and that the Lord loves to do the impossible. Do you have a great God?
In this passage, we see the institution of the covenant of circumcision and the importance of what is on the outside matching what is on the inside. Unfortunately, we have all failed to keep God's covenant and are by nature covenant-breakers. But the good news is that Jesus, the only true covenant-keeper, died the death of a covenant-breaker, so that by faith in Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we might become covenant-keepers.
This is a stand-alone sermon by Ellwood Splane.
After looking at the Songs for a Saviour in the Gospel of Luke, we're taking a look at one more song which will be sung at the end of the age when the redeemed people of God from every tribe and tongue and nation will stand before the throne of God and sing, "Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns!"
On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we're looking at the song of Simeon. Upon meeting the baby Jesus, Simeon praised God for His gift of salvation. As we are confronted with the baby in the manger, what will we do with Jesus? Will we continue to oppose Him, or will we give our heart to Him?
On this third Sunday of Advent, we're looking at the song of the angels. After the birth of Jesus, the shepherds are the original recipients of this good news of great joy. But this good news of great joy wasn't just for the shepherds. It was good news of great joy for all those who trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
On this second Sunday of Advent, we're looking at the song of Zechariah. At the birth of John the Baptist, his father Zechariah praised God for His redemption, salvation, mercy, and faithfulness. There is peace with God available for those who trust in the One to whom John pointed: Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
On this first Sunday of Advent, we're looking at the song of Mary. In response to the news that she would give birth to the Messiah, Mary bursts into a song of praise. In her song, Mary draws our attention to God's care of His people, His overflowing mercy, and His authority over all of Creation. Mary responds the way each one of us should respond: With hearts full of praise.