In this passage, we see that true and lasting joy is found in the Person of Jesus Christ who came into the world to remove our punishment, to defeat our enemies, and to dwell with his people.
In this passage, we see that Jesus is the Prince of Peace who reigns with righteousness and justice, bringing true shalom to all who trust in him.
In this passage, we see that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world who shines into the darkness of our lives, bringing hope and light to all who believe.
In this passage, we see several reasons why people do not believe in Jesus Christ. But Jesus is calling us to come out of the darkness of unbelief and walk in his light. Will we choose light and life, or will we choose darkness and death?
In this passage, the hour of Jesus' sacrificial death has come. Jesus would soon give his life so that others can live through faith in him. Will we look like to Christ and live?
In this passage, we are reminded that Jesus may not be the King we expect, but he is the King we need, and he is worthy of our humble devotion, extravagant love, and wholehearted worship.
In this passage, though the Jewish leaders had closed their eyes and hardened their hearts to who Jesus truly is, God would fulfill his plan to send Jesus to be our substitute, taking the punishment for sin we deserved upon himself. Through faith in Jesus, we find forgiveness and life. Will we believe this good news, or will we disbelieve? How will we respond?
In this passage, Jesus declares that he is the resurrection and the life - the One who conquers death and gives everlasting life to all who believe in him. Do you believe this?
In this passage, we see that Jesus is our faithful friend, who walks with us in our waiting and suffering, and whose glory will be revealed in whatever we are facing.
In this passage, Jesus offers eternal security to those who believe, declaring his unity with the Father, even in the face of opposition from those who refuse to recognize his divinity. As we celebrate thanksgiving, may we give thanks for Jesus Christ who holds his people securely in his hands.