Our deepest need is Jesus and the forgiveness He provides. Do we understand this ourselves, and are we pointing others to this need, as well?
Are we a fan of Jesus, or are we a follower of Jesus? How we answer that question will determine whether or not we take Jesus seriously enough to do what He tells us to do.
All of Creation is under the authority of Jesus Christ. What is our response to His authority?
The mission of disciples of Jesus is to make disciples of Jesus.
Through faith in the perfect obedience of Jesus, the Son of God, we are well-pleasing in the sight of our heavenly Father. Will we follow this Jesus where He leads us?
Jesus came to be the Suffering Saviour and Conquering King, who would accomplish what we needed Him to accomplish, so that we could have what we needed the most - a Saviour from our sins.
This is a stand-alone sermon on what it means to be part of the local church.
The book of Ruth reminds us of the redemption of God, and how Jesus is our rightful and willing Kinsman-Redeemer.
The book of Ruth reminds us of the love of God, and how God so loved us that He sent His Son to shelter us from His wrath against sin.
The book of Ruth reminds us of the providence of God, and how God has placed us in this time and place to care for the spiritually and physically poor in this world.