Jesus enters Jerusalem as the King we needed. Is this Jesus our King, or have we fashioned for ourselves a king of our own making?
We become what we behold. May we be a people who are gazed on the glory of the Lord that we might become like Him.
When we are surrounded by misinformation about Jesus and popular opinions about Jesus and antagonism toward Jesus, we can know that Jesus is the Christ, who opens up our spiritually blind eyes to see Him, clearly.
We will be tempted to times of spiritual amnesia, where we forget about what God has done and our daily need for Him, but Jesus shows us again who He is and how we have the Scriptures to remind us of this.
As we reflect on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we discover that Jesus values human life, meets out deepest need, and truly does all things well.
The Jesus who multiplied the bread and the fish to feed a multitude is the Jesus who gives us everything we need, so that we can be truly satisfied.
The healing of the demoniac reminds us that the power of Satan is real, but the power of Jesus is greater. What decision will we make about Jesus?
Are we a fan of Jesus, or are we a follower of Jesus? How we answer that question will determine whether or not we take Jesus seriously enough to do what He tells us to do.
All of Creation is under the authority of Jesus Christ. What is our response to His authority?