The risen Lord Jesus has commissioned His followers to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. Will we tell others about what Jesus has done, or will we abandon this responsibility to others?
The book of Acts is about the acts of the risen Lord Jesus, through the witness of His people, in the power of the Holy Spirit, for the accomplishment of God’s saving purposes for the world.
The most devastating thing about 2020 is that so many of us will let this year leave without letting it teach us something. We must make the best use of the time we have been given, facing the year to come with assurance and confidence that Christ is King.
If there is no God, then nothing matters and all of life ends in meaningless despair. But if there is a God, then everything matters and everything has meaning. The Preacher of Ecclesiastes closes his book by pointing us to duty of mankind to fear God and keep His commandments.
We will face plenty of disappointments in life, but the good news of great joy for all people is that Jesus has come that our joy may be full. When we rejoice in and remember our Creator, we will truly be able to enjoy life the way God intended it to be enjoyed.
The world will give us plenty of reasons to be anxious. But it is precisely because of the uncertainties of life that we must use every opportunity to be bold but wise with what God has given us.
We need wisdom to be able to navigate our way through life. The problem is that we often find ourselves more foolish than wise. In these verses, we discover that our hope is not in our ability to be wise, but that our hope is in Jesus.
God has promised us true enjoyment of His good gifts through Jesus. Until Christ returns or calls us home, we are to enjoy life and to do so with thankfulness.
Though we live in a world tainted by sin, God has given us wisdom to know how to live. We must obey what we know to obey, enjoy what we can enjoy, and trust in the God who holds tomorrow, even when we don’t know what tomorrow holds.
When we see good people die young and wicked people grow old, we can be tempted to try harder to be more good, or abandon the Christian life altogether. The Preacher of Ecclesiastes, however, encourages us to trust in the goodness of God and to put on the true righteousness of Christ.