When asked about the signs of the end, Jesus prepared His followers for what was to come and gave us the promise of God’s preserving grace in the midst of trials and tribulation.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of David and the divine Son of God. In this passage, Jesus gives two radically different responses to His Lordship.
What is essential to enter the kingdom of God? Jesus teaches us that our obedience to the commandments of God isn’t enough, but that what we need is Jesus.
As Jesus responded to the Sadducees' question about life after death, He shows us the importance of living with the end in mind.
When Jesus was approached with a question about paying taxes to Caesar, His response revealed whether or not Christians should obey the government, but it also revealed a deeper question about whether or not we belong to the kingdom of God.
When the Jewish leaders challenged the authority of Jesus, it highlighted an issue we all have with authority. Will we submit to the authority of Jesus, or will we reject the authority of Jesus?
May we pay attention to the lessons of the fig tree, and grow in fruitfulness, according to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We will either worship Jesus as the resurrected Saviour and Lord, or we will doubt Him. What will our response be to the resurrection of Jesus?
A look into the good news about Good Friday.
Jesus enters Jerusalem as the King we needed. Is this Jesus our King, or have we fashioned for ourselves a king of our own making?