Throughout this time of quarantine and social distancing, we have the opportunity to serve one another in love. In our text, Jesus gives us an example of the kind of cross-shaped servanthood that is required of His followers.
With everything going on in the world right now, we need a good word from Jesus. In this passage, Jesus reveals how we can have peace in the middle of anxiety.
Entering the kingdom of God is easier than we think, but more costly than we realize.
We have the opportunity to show the world the beauty of marriage as God always intended it to be and what He can do in the midst of our brokenness.
The road to true greatness is obedience to God, service to others, allegiance to Christ, and death to sin.
Jesus is more than sufficient in the midst of our insufficiency. May we be a people who find ourselves dependent upon the sufficiency of Christ, even when we find it hard to believe.
We become what we behold. May we be a people who are gazed on the glory of the Lord that we might become like Him.
What Jesus came to do is radically different than what was expected of Him, and what following Him looks like is radically different than what comes naturally to us.
When we are surrounded by misinformation about Jesus and popular opinions about Jesus and antagonism toward Jesus, we can know that Jesus is the Christ, who opens up our spiritually blind eyes to see Him, clearly.
We will be tempted to times of spiritual amnesia, where we forget about what God has done and our daily need for Him, but Jesus shows us again who He is and how we have the Scriptures to remind us of this.