What Jesus came to do is radically different than what was expected of Him, and what following Him looks like is radically different than what comes naturally to us.
When we are surrounded by misinformation about Jesus and popular opinions about Jesus and antagonism toward Jesus, we can know that Jesus is the Christ, who opens up our spiritually blind eyes to see Him, clearly.
We will be tempted to times of spiritual amnesia, where we forget about what God has done and our daily need for Him, but Jesus shows us again who He is and how we have the Scriptures to remind us of this.
As we reflect on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we discover that Jesus values human life, meets out deepest need, and truly does all things well.
The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart, but the solution is found in Jesus.
Jesus is a sovereign Saviour, who loves us, who cares for us, who has promised to be with us, even to the end of the age, and who will even walk on water to get to us.
As we begin a new year, may our response to Jesus be as eager and joyful as that of the wise men.
The peace of Christ is how we are able to make it through the chaos of this world.
We can take great joy in the God who takes joy in us.
When the Christmas season is not the season of love the culture makes it seem, we can be reminded of the unconditional love of God towards us.