May we be a people who abound in hope, as we look to the One who is source of hope and who supplies it in abundance.
The Jesus who multiplied the bread and the fish to feed a multitude is the Jesus who gives us everything we need, so that we can be truly satisfied.
The death of John the Baptist teaches us to run to Jesus in the face of conviction of our sin.
We have a Saviour and King who is so great and so glorious that He is able to handle whatever offense you might have against Him.
Jesus might not do what we expect Him to do, but He is powerful enough to handle the urgent and the inconvenient and whatever it is that we will ever face.
The healing of the demoniac reminds us that the power of Satan is real, but the power of Jesus is greater. What decision will we make about Jesus?
Jesus stood in a boat during a storm on the Sea of Galilee and announced, “Peace,” and there was peace. If Jesus can do that, He can deal with whatever it is that you come across in your day-to-day life.
The kingdom of God is a contrary kingdom, because it doesn’t operate like the kingdoms of this world. Do we belong to this kingdom and do we have ears to hear what the King has commissioned us to do?
For Rural Missions Outreach Sunday, we looked at Jesus' parable of the sower and four responses to the hearing of the Word. What kind of response is the Word going to have in our heart and our mind, and are we going to love people enough to proclaim to them this Word?
Jesus is ushering us into His family, where, though we are not perfect, we are spurning each other on in what it means to believe Jesus is Lord and obey what He says.